Please email for more information on hosting any of the following events. Benefits of hosting a GENI event include:
- A convenient and inexpensive way for researchers and educators in your institution and region to learn about GENI or build their GENI expertise. In case of oversubscribed events, priority is given to applicants from the host institution and region.
- Opportunity to shape the event agenda to meet the interests of researchers from your institution.
- Meeting researchers and educators with similar interests.
Hosts are reimbursed for expenses incurred.
GENI Regional Workshop (GRW)
Regional workshops deliver a focused introduction to GENI, using lectures and hands-on tutorials, that new users find most helpful to begin using GENI effectively in their work. GRWs are 1 to 1.5 day events. As a host, you would be responsible for finding two rooms for the workshop, arranging for catering, creating a website and advertising the event in the region. See the GRW checklist for room requirements and for a timeline for hosting a GRW.
Week-long camps introduce participants to the wide range of experiments possible on GENI. Attendees are introduced to GENI using hands-on tutorials. They form project teams at the camp based on research interests, define a problem, run experiments on GENI and make a presentation on the last day of the camp. The projects help develop sufficient GENI knowledge and skills for the participants to start using it immediately for their research.
GENI Engineering Conference (GEC)
GECs are 2-day conferences for discussions on the engineering aspects of GENI. The bring together developers of GENI infrastructure, tools and services; and experimenters and operators interested in the engineering aspects of GENI.